Frequently Asked Question

How can I monitor data usage?
Last Updated 2 years ago

The default data limit is 5GB per user per month (your limit may be higher depending on operational requirements), resetting at the end of every calendar month. The handsets will default to sending you a warning at 2GB, so you may prefer to change this to match your actual limit.

To change or verify this setting, search for "data warning" in Settings (or go to Settings -> Network & Internet -> Data Usage -> Data warning and limit) and set the Data warning to a value that suits you (you may prefer to have the warning at 4.5GB or less depending on how early you want to be notified). You may also wish to tap on App data usage cycle and set the reset date to the 1st of each month.

Note that the handset will not stop data usage after this warning is reached, and this only applies to mobile data usage (Wi-Fi is not affected).

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