Frequently Asked Question

How Do I Use Universal Print?
Last Updated 3 months ago

In order to use Universal Print, you must be running Windows 10 or later and have your RBGE account added to your machine. This happens automatically on RBGE owned devices or personal ones with Office applications installed. For personal devices without Office installed, you can add the account via Settings -> Accounts -> Email & Accounts -> Add a workplace or school account.

Mac users will need to instal the Universal Print app from the App Store.

Windows 11:

Go to Start -> Settings -> Bluetooth & devices -> Printers & scanners


Click the blue Add device button, then after a few seconds the Search for devices button should be visible.


Change the drop down to Work or school


After a few seconds a list of printers should appear. You can narrow down the search by typing in keywords or selecting a search location, otherwise just select the printer you want to use and click the Add device button next to it.

Windows 10:

From Settings, click Devices -> Printers & scanners and then Add a printer or scanner. The very first time you do this you'll need to select the option to search for work or school devices.


After a second or two, a list of printers will be presented with the building name/floor number/room number underneath. Note that you'll only be able to see printers you have access to.


You can select a location or enter a keyword to narrow down the search. Simply select the printer you want and click the Add device button to start using it.

When you want to print a document, simply select the required printer from the print menu. Note that most printers will operate on a QR code release system, so when you approach the printer, scan the QR code with your mobile phone and then select the print job to release. This ensures that documents remain secure and also helps prevent accidental prints while off-site.

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