Frequently Asked Question

How do I set up and use MFA?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides a more secure method of accessing RBGE systems remotely, and will be enabled by default for supported systems. After logging in with your username and password as normal, you'll be prompted to confirm a notification or enter a 6 digit code provided by an authenticator app on your phone. This makes it even more difficult for an attacker to break into your account, as they'd need to have your phone in addition to knowing your password.

To get started, you'll need an authenticator app. All RBGE phones will have Microsoft Authenticator, but if using a personal device you can install any suitable one. A sample are listed below:

To set up your authenticator after this feature has been enabled, simply log on as normal. After entering your username and password, you'll be presented with a QR code to scan, an example of which is shown below:


Open your authenticator, then select the option to add a new account. For your Microsoft 365 account, ensure you select the option to add a Work or School Account. Select the scan QR code option and use your phone to scan the code on your screen.


Follow the prompts to confirm your authenticator setup, then you're all set!

The next time you log in, or once every 90 days if you select this option on Microsoft 365, after entering your username and password an additional prompt will appear asking to confirm the login using your phone. For other systems you'll be prompted to enter a 6 digit code, which can be viewed in your authenticator app.


Simply select 'Approve' from the notification or open your authenticator app and enter the time-limited code provided.

Please try to ensure you carry your phone with you when logging on, as this can help avoid delays caused by having to contact service desk. Some systems, including Microsoft 365, will allow you to set up alternative authentication methods if your phone is unavailable, such as SMS to an alternative number or a code sent to a personal email account.

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