Frequently Asked Question
A group can be created in Outlook for the purposes of including people in a group email. Groups are managed by the owners.
- Select Home > New Group.
Fill out the group information.
Group name: Create a name that captures the purpose of the group.
Once you enter a name, a suggested email address is provided. "Not available" means the group name is already in use and you should try a different name. Note that once you choose a group name, it cannot be changed.
Description: Optionally, enter a description that will help others understand the group's purpose. This description will be included in the welcome email when others join the group.
Privacy: By default, Groups are created as Private. This means only approved members in your organisation can see what's inside the group. Anyone else in your organisation who is not approved cannot see what's in the group.
Select Public to create a group where anyone within your organization can view its content and become a member.
Select Private to create a group where membership requires approval and only members can view group content.
Send all group conversations and events to members' inboxes Optionally, check this box to enable members to see all group conversations and events in their inbox without having to visit separate group workspaces. Members can change this setting for their own mailboxes.
- Click More Settings to set the language to 'English (United Kingdom)' (or other if applicable).
Select Create.
Once your group has been created, any future updates can be managed via Outlook. See How Do I Update a Group?