Frequently Asked Question

How Do I Book A Meeting Room?
Last Updated 3 years ago


 Note that by default a new meeting request will be hosted online using Teams. If your meeting is fully in-person (i.e. not hybrid or using any Teams equipment), click the Don't Host Online button


· In a new meeting, add the Required attendees, the Start time and the End time, then click the Room Finder button at the end of the Location field.


·  You can filter the room selection by choosing the room specifics such as capacity and building on the Room Finder.


·  If the meeting has multiple attendees and busy conference rooms, it can be difficult to find a time that works for everyone. To find availability for people and rooms, select the Scheduling Assistant button on the ribbon, then select AutoPick and choose the appropriate criteria.


·  After you find an appropriate time slot and add a conference room to the meeting, select Meeting on the ribbon. You can then close the Room Finder. When you're done setting up your meeting, select Send.

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